The Hive Vibe is a place for you and we are so glad you are here. Whether you are just beginning to explore a healthier lifestyle or you are a seasoned veteran, we have a place for you. We are here to come alongside you as you take one step towards creating a life that is healthier, more balanced, and purposeful. Our families are cleaning up their nutrition, making an intentional effort to be active, and carefully considering the ingredients in health and beauty products, cleaning supplies, & supplements. Our Young Living community has access to oil-infused solutions for all of these concerns (and more!). Incorporating Young Living products in your home is a wise first step toward claiming wellness for yourself and your loved ones! Getting started has never been so easy. Maybe you want to start with a simple swap for candles or you want to replace your skincare regimen, all of this and more is possible. Once you fall in love with the lifestyle and products, we also have a growing affiliate program, where you can get your products paid for (and more!). So welcome! Again we are glad you are here!
Hi, I'm Paige Williams!
Our Hive Vibe community began in 2013, when I purchased a Premium Starter Bundle. At that time, my husband, Josh, and I had two little girls (Liza Jane and June Apple). Liza Jane, then two years old, had a host of medical complications and challenges. A friend shared that essential oils could boost her immunity and could be helpful. I took the plunge and began using Thieves daily. We began drinking Ningxia Red, changing out our cleaning and personal care products, and made more changes to our diets. We moved from living on the defense to the offense when it came to our health and wellness. Our entire lifestyle changed as did the health of our daughter. Our family has grown (adding our third, Jedidiah) and our commitment to a healthier lifestyle has also grown to a desire to help others do the same! The Hive Vibe community is in thousands of homes across the United States and even globally. Our community is committed to helping others make small changes that are long lasting and impactful for your homes. I look forward to getting to know you and supporting you however we can. Find me on Instagram @athomefarmgirl or our oil community @bewellfriends.
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